THE SNOOP PROJECT is a series of interactive habitat installations that bring audiences into intimate, mysterious, sensual and meticulously designed living spaces.  Participants are encouraged to intrude upon the space, and through their detection reveal hyper-fictionalized portraits and narratives in eerily familiar settings.

Upon first glance, these bedrooms feel familiar: they include the typical, functional furnishings of an urban apartment.  It is through the investigation of these rooms--such as snooping through drawers and closets, picking through the contents of a rubbish bin, leafing through birthday cards on the dresser, delving through a box of sex toys, or peeking in the space between the mirror and the wall--that the participant experiences the false plot they've stumbled upon.

Whoever lives in these bedrooms may have just left the house for a moment or two, or forever.  Diaries entries are half-finished, cigarettes are half-smoked.  It is a snapshot of someone's ultra-heightened physical and material life.

Visitor interference has the potential to complicate the the artist's placement of items in the space.  This is encouraged.  The spaces are created as artifact, and anyone to enter the space inherently becomes a part of that artifact.